RUNNING: PIMCO Amazing Run2Run Adventure

May 05, 2013
Ten Cents to Heaven, 
Sitio Mayagay II, 
Tanay Rizal, Philippines

PIMCO promised trail run enthusiasts that this event would be the wackiest trail running racing event and we were there to be the living proof and it was really a great trail running experience!

Run 2 Run Adventure aims to build a great connections between running buddies, running couples, running friends, running parent-son/daughter, running brothers/sisters, a team of two. The main rule is you have to leave the starting gate together and you have to finish the race together. Participants was composed of 2 members. They can be same genders or mixed genders. 

We are Runner 21034!

Colorful Flags of Ten Cents to Heaven. Swaying with the cool and fresh breeze of Tanay.

21K runner's infront of the Starting Line

Coach Jackie leading the stretching and warm up.

to the left.. to the right.. :)
and the race begins!

Maynard posing as he submerged his feet on one of the rivers that we've crossed.

Careful! Steep downhill!



Post Race meal at ten Cents to Heaven...

Precious 21K trail run medal from PIMCO!

Running Buddy Jayson, Me, Lourdes and Sir Alvin!

"Trail is more exciting than road runs, 
its harder but the reward is unimaginable."

 Trail running really puts me closer with nature! See you on the next PIMCO event!

Related Post: PIMCO Amazing Run2Run Adventure Familiarization Run

Me and my Buddy placed 4th!! :)

For RANDOM UPDATES, You can follow me on twitter at @i626leo   
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Thank you!

Photos Courtesy of jazzrunner, Vitality Runner and Pimco FB page

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