It became an annual tradition to reunite with blogger friends every Blogapalooza event. This year, I am happy to see a lot of them and reconnect with the experiences we shared for the past years. Also, this event gave way to establish new collaborations from co-bloggers most importantly with the brands present in the country's first and largest B2B (Bloggers to Brands) networking and marketing event.
Philippines' first and largest B2B networking and marketing event. :) |
With Blogamomma, Ace Gapuz and blogger friends. |
Dems, Eric, Joy, Axl, Leo
Having some fresh air outside the symposium area. |
Dems, Leo and Axl
We got an awesome spot inside Novotel's Tent Area. |
With Yogo and Cream Me-An and Lloyd. |
More Groufie! |
With Geno, Aki Rosales - Victoria Court's Assistant Marketing Manager, Tanya Llana - Victoria Court's Director for Marketing and Kyojin. Awesome that they have storm troopers on their booth! |
Happy to finally meet the Davao Bloggers! Their journey as a group really inspired me! Thank you for sharing your experiences Ria! Hoping for a collaboration soon! |
I am drinking Vitamin Boost even before they sponsor events. I really love this innovation and it helps me boosted for every activities I am into. |
I am your body guard! Hope to visit this Star Wars room at Victoria Court! |
Glad to discover Musli Biscuits imported from Germany and exclusively distributed by 711. This guilt free pleasure is a must try. I really liked the chocolate variant. |
Tanya Llana of Victoria Court shows what the company can offer to clients as well as to the bloggers who wants to collaborate and partner with them. |
mwarmwar on my head. Planning a trip soon? Check out #MyMarianasPH for ideas. :) |
Awesome booth from KrispyKreme where bloggers can dip their donuts on chocolate and top it with sprinklers. :) |
The BIG Reveal!
Blogapalooza, headed by blogamomma, Ace Gapuz, revealed it's newest endeavor,
Buzzin connects businesses to influencers by using a high technology system that enables streamlined matching, objective measurement of key performance indicators, and monetization of content.
It compares and measure hits, reach, and engagement among all content creators across all campaigns.
Buzzin is a search trawler that figures out what you write about, what niche interests you the most, and what your stance is. Then it match makes you, our favorite Blogger/Influencer, with your perfect Business partner.
Registered already on this new connect site and hopefully partnered with brands soon! See you when I see you!
How about you? How's your Blogapalooza experience? Any thoughts about the event?
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