#CulturePH - Road To Clear And Brighter Skin

Skin pigmentation is most common in women, with about 10% of cases reported in men. It affects people of any race but is more prominent among Asians and Latinos, those living in areas of high UV light exposure.

Protect yourself from sun exposure

Other people misidentify melasma as freckles. Melasma is acquired, which means that it is gotten due to environmental factors, while freckles are hereditary. Melasma is more common in people with brownish skin tones, such as Asians and Latinos. Freckles are more common in fair skinned people such as Europeans.

Melasma develops in adulthood, whereas freckles in childhood through adulthood. Melasma appears as brown or grey-brown patches, while freckles are in the form of spots that can be red, yellow, tan or brown. There are centrofacial, malar and mandibular patterns of melasma, whereas freckles typically appear on the cheeks around the eyes and across the bridge of the nose.

Get clearer and brighter skin with Pynocare

So what contributes on the development of pigmentation? As the most outer organ of our body, our skin is frequently and directly exposed to the sun’s UV radiation that generates harmful free radicals and triggers inflammation, increasing the number of melanocytes (melanin-producing cells) and stimulating their activity in producing melanin. This eventually leads to an excessive production of melanin, resulting in the appearance of unsightly dark spots and brown patches.

So how one can cure or lessen skin depigmentation?

It takes great patience and discipline to manage pigmentation. You should aim at treating the affected area to reduce its size and intensity, as well as preventing its recurrence, which is quite common  particularly after re-exposure to the sun.

Successful management of pigmentation can only be achieved through the continuous use of safe and effective therapy such as MSCC Complex Actisome, combined with sensible sun protection. Remember, just one day of unprotected sun exposure can undo months of treatment, especially for those prone to skin pigmentation.

Manufactured by MegaLife Sciences, a renowned Thai beauty pharamaceuticals company, Pynocare is a dermatologist-proven effective to combat dark spots and melasma. Each capsule is packed with vitamins and nutrients that are good for your skin such as Betacarotene and Ascorbic acid.

You may choose to stop using PYNOCARE after getting satisfactory results. However recurrences of
pigmentation are quite common, particularly after you are "over exposed" to sunlight. So even after our pigmentation clears off, there is a possibility that it will come back if you don't take proper care. It is therefore highly recommended to take PYNOCARE regularly to keep pigmentation under control.

Ready for another tour. I made sure I am always protected against UV rays with Pynocare and ample amount of sunblock.

One extra benefit of taking PYNOCARE on a long-term basis is that it can actually help delay natural aging process owing to its powerful antioxidant properties. PYNOCARE is all natural and safe for long term consumption as no serious adverse effects have been observed in the long term use of PYNOCARE.

Although PYNOCARE has been proven to be safe, as a general precaution it should not be taken within the first 3 months of pregnancy. And as data on infants is not available, the use of PYNOCARE during lactation is not encouraged.

PYNOCARE is suitable for all skin types, and provides the ideal solution for both men and women to manage their skin pigmentation problem naturally from within, especially for those who don't like the idea of putting creams or lotions on their faces.

Additionally, by taking it 2x a day after meals, you’ll see results in as early as two months. Pynocare retails for only 67.75 pesos per piece and is available in all leading drugstores nationwide.

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