#FoodPH - Shakey's Philippines Launch Its Newest Premium Pizza With Alex Gonzaga and Luis Manzano!

Pizza has become a staple must have in every occasion for Filipinos as it become one of our favorite snacks. Celebrating victories may it be small or big, happy or sad, the room lights up when a box of pizza is in sight.

Today, Shakey's Philippines together with its newest brand ambassador Alex Gonzaga, partnered with Luiz Manzano, officially launches the Smoked Salmon Pizza. Topped with rich velvety mozzarella and cream cheese is smoked salmon with some capers and a hint of lemon. Extraordinary as it seems but it amazingly tastes good.

Shakey's once again proved that they can make premium pizzas with high end ingredients work together and at the same time remain affordable. Premium need not to be expensive and everyone should have the capacity to experience a different kind of pizza once in a while.

Some of you might wonder how this new mix of flavors work together. Or maybe, how a special delicacy, such a smoked salmon, landed on Shakey's signature thin crust. There's only one way to prove this story. Head to your favorite Shakey's store or dial 77-777 or log on to www.shakeyspizza.ph to order for delivery.

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